Madrid makes its roadmap clear and surprises with its next target: K.O. to Yoro and Davies

Real Madrid’s Surprising Next Target: Florian Wirtz Over Davies and Yoro

Real Madrid has finalized its strategy and surprised with its next target, prioritizing Florian Wirtz over Alphonso Davies and Leny Yoro.

Real Madrid is set to have one of the most exciting squads next season, especially with the recent official signing of Kylian Mbappé, who will be a major star for the team.

Despite several notable names on the club’s wishlist, such as Alphonso Davies and Leny Yoro, it appears that Real Madrid plans to sign another player from Germany—Florian Wirtz—currently sidelining the other two.

A Shift in Priorities Wirtz has become a top priority for Los Blancos due to his outstanding performance with Bayer Leverkusen, where he was instrumental in winning all the titles the team achieved this season, emerging as a global star.

The profile of this player seems to strongly convince both President Florentino Pérez and the technical staff led by Carlo Ancelotti, who view him as a potential replacement for Toni Kroos, though with a significantly different style that could bring crucial quality to the team.

As mentioned, Wirtz appears to be next on Real Madrid’s list, putting aside the other two names previously mentioned. This would undoubtedly be a summer blockbuster signing, adding to an already crazy transfer market for Real Madrid.

Florentino’s Decision Ultimately, the immediate and long-term future of Real Madrid lies in the hands of President Florentino Pérez, who now has the power to decide whether this player will join Los Blancos instead of the other two, who are also clear targets for the club.

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