Goodbye to Guardiola? De Bruyne Opens Door to Real Madrid: “My Contract…”

In the ever-changing world of football, the futures of many players are unpredictable, and this could be the case with Kevin De Bruyne.

Real Madrid’s Future Planning

Real Madrid continues to plan for the future, one that does not include Toni Kroos, who has decided to retire after the Euro 2024 in Germany and has already bid farewell to Madridistas.

De Bruyne’s Interest in Real Madrid

Recently, there has been growing speculation about Kevin De Bruyne’s interest in playing at the Santiago Bernabéu. With Kroos’s departure and De Bruyne being in the final year of his contract, the Belgian midfielder’s potential move to Real Madrid has become a topic of discussion. Despite this, Real Madrid’s sporting directors have previously dismissed such possibilities.

De Bruyne’s Comments on His Future

The player himself has hinted at considering a future away from Manchester. In an exclusive interview with Belgian TV channel ‘VTM,’ De Bruyne discussed his contract situation and family considerations.

“For Michèle (his wife), an exotic adventure is fine. These are conversations we have more and more as a family. I have one more year on my contract, so I need to think about what could happen. My eldest son is now eight years old and only knows England. He also asks me how long I’ll play at Manchester City. When the time comes, we’ll have to face it in a certain way,” expressed De Bruyne.

Implications for Guardiola and City

This situation puts Pep Guardiola on alert, as he could potentially lose his best player and Erling Haaland’s key partner. The upcoming summer will reveal whether De Bruyne will make a move to Real Madrid or continue with Manchester City.

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